Professional Development
Login Tools
My Human Resources
Enter direct banking information, view earnings statements, change your address & manage training. [ LOGIN]
Pension Account
View pension plan balances and investment mix and choose your investments. [ LOGIN]
Check and submit claims, get forms, print Manulife card. [ LOGIN]
Faculty Staff Resources
Salary ranges, pay schedules and related information. [ LOGIN]
Researcher Toolbox
Hiring/appointing research roles, including budgeting for salary and benefit costs. [ LOGIN]
Administrator Toolbox
Appointments and pay administration, offer templates. [ LOGIN]
Leader Toolbox
Help with recruiting, hiring, enhancing performance. [ LOGIN]
Western Financial
Submit expenses, PER inquiry, research grants. [ LOGIN]
Operational Excellence provides practical, "how to learning" for administrative tasks performed at Western. Those in administrative roles are encouraged to participate.
Note: Within many of the workshop descriptions below, you will find User Guides, Reference Sheets and Short Videos. You are encouraged to access these, even if a workshop is not currently offered.
Facilities Management
Facilities Management: Accessing Support, Services & Submitting Work Requests (Online Guide)
Facilities Management (FM) is an essential part of daily operations on campus. You'll need to contact them to access services such as obtaining office keys, arranging parking for guests, students or employees, requesting billable and non-billable maintenance, and much more! Access self-directed, step-by-step resources below to learn how to perform the steps to request many FM services.
Target Audience: Employees who are responsible for onboarding staff, arranging events including those with guests coming to campus, requesting facilities related maintenance, reconciling general ledger accounts, sending out large mailings, or arranging any other FM related services.
- Requesting, replacing and returning office keys by employees and students
- Arranging on-campus parking for yourself, students, employees, guests, or events
- Identifying or following up on FM charges to department general ledger accounts
Learning Resources:
Parking Procedures – user guide
Investigating FM Charges to Department Accounts – user guide
"How to" Keys Guide – web page
Finance & Procurement
Financial Risk Management, Controls and Accountabilities (Workshop) *Registration Open*
Western employees need to ensure that delegated financial responsibilities are discharged in a manner that meets financial control standards. You will leave this session understanding how to apply financial risk management. This session will also provide an overview of guiding policies at Western, the internal controls used and a briefing on fraud and what it might look like.
Target Audience: Budget Unit Heads and administrative staff and faculty responsible for financial budgeting, processing and reporting
Workshop Leaders: Khurram Sikander, Internal Auditor, Internal Audit & Laura Atkins, Assistant Controller, Financial Services
- Responsibilities and accountabilities
- Understanding risk and risk management
- Policies and guidelines
- Compliance
- Fraud and financial offense
- Areas of exposure
- Recommended internal controls for good business practices
- Audit requirements
- Accountability reports
Format: Virtual
Length: 90 minutes
Scheduled for: March 19, 2025, 9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Course Number: OPER2
Fundamentals of Financial Services (Workshop)
This introductory session provides participants with an overview of the core operations of Financial Services and reviews the support available to units across campus. Participants will gain an understanding of the structure of Western's financial systems and reporting requirements, grasp basic financial terminology and learn fundamental accounting concepts. This course will be particularly helpful to those individuals who are new to their roles.
Target Audience: Employees responsible for financial management and reporting, and administrative staff involved in financial transactions and monitoring functions
Workshop Leaders: Blaine Mendola, Assistant Controller, Kim Lincoln Groves, Financial Officer Endowed & Restricted Funds & Ashley de Jeu, Manager Accounts Payable & Reimbursements, all from Financial Services
- Introduction to Financial Services - what we do, and who we are
- Accounting fundamentals
- Fund accounting
- Roles and responsibilities
- Classification of funds at Western
- Definitions of unrestricted/internally restricted and externally restricted funds
- Contribution types (operating grants, Tuition fees, research funding, capital projects etc.)
- Conditions of use, guidelines to adhere to
- Internal reporting availability and use of
- External reporting (donors, research, audited financial statements
- Chart of accounts – structure, chart field combinations, speed codes, accounts
- Budget year and periods
- Taxes (HST)
Format: Virtual
Length: 90 minutes
Scheduled for: To be scheduled
Course Number: OPER5
Introduction to the Budget Process at Western (Workshop)
Each fall staff with budget accountabilities are involved in preparing their unit / department budget for the upcoming fiscal year (May 1 – April 30). Attend this workshop to gain a deeper understanding of the Western budgeting process, timelines, and the tools to assist you.
Recommended Prerequisite:
Participants should attend the Western Financials General Ledger Inquiries workshop prior to attending. An understanding of the financial system and how to look up charges will be very helpful.
Target Audience: Administrators with accountabilities for managing unit / department budgets, making budget requests, or who assist their leaders with the budgeting process
Workshop Leaders: Cathy Crowe-Clohosey, Senior Adviser Financial Planning, and Jamy Brodt, Senior Adviser Financial Planning, both from Institutional Budgeting and Planning
- Key definitions
- Overall budget timeline at Western
- Roles and responsibilities of key individuals
- Tools to guide you in determining your budget needs
- Budget submission process
Format: Virtual
Length: 90 minutes
Scheduled for: To be scheduled
Course Number: OPER28
Register for Available Sessions
Learning Resources:
Western Financials Overview - videoNavigating Western Financials - reference sheet
One Time Payments (Workshop)
At Western, there are times when we need to pay individuals, corporations, or organizations and it is not always clear which method to use. In this case-based workshop participants will learn the critical thinking and key questions to determine which method to use to request a one time payment, the implications and other considerations when making a one time payment, and supporting documentation requirements.
Participants should attend the Operational Excellence sessions Principles of Procurement at Western (OPER16) and Pay Requisition & Administration (OPER8), or have good working knowledge about these processes, prior to attending this workshop.
Target Audience: Administrators responsible for processing, reviewing or approving one time payments.
Workshop Leaders: Paula Granger, Procurement and Contract Specialist, Financial Services, Pina Acton, Manager Employee Services, Human Resources
- Payment methods (NCNER, JRAF, Pay Requisition, P-Card, Cheque Requisition, etc.)
- Terms and definitions
- Key questions to help determine the payment method to request
- Documentation to include
Format: In-person on campus (Weldon Library, WL-252)
Length: 2 hours
Scheduled for: To be scheduled
Course Number: OPER21
Overview of Procurement at Western (Workshop) *Registration Open*
Understanding, following, and guiding others in using proper procurement processes is a very important role of Western administrators. This session will provide an overview of key procurement processes, tools, and resources. The workshop will be led by senior procurement professionals at Western. Come to learn and ask questions.
Suggested Prerequisite: Learners are asked to complete the Procurement Basics Learning Modules prior to attending this session, or be familiar with procurement policies at Western, Mustang Market, and the Purchasing Card.
Target Audience: Administrators responsible for initiating or assisting with procurement for their unit / department.
Workshop Leaders: Kristen McGill, Director, Procurement Services & Julie Dunbar Nicely, eProcurement Manager, both from Financial Services
- Procurement tools (Direct Travel, Purchasing Card, Mustang Market)
- Overview of the Request For Proposal Process (RFP)
- Making purchases over $10,000
- Overview of sustainable procurement
- Awareness of the Technology Risk Assessment (TRAC) for software purchases
- Sustainable Procurement
Length: 90 minutes
Scheduled for: March 17, 2025, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Course Number: OPER29
Register for Available Sessions
Learning Resources:
Procurement Basics, including Sustainable Procurement
Western’s Scotiabank Purchasing Card (P-Card) modules
Procurement Basics (Online Module)
This an online interactive course is made up of 4 brief learning modules. Participants learn key information and processes to make purchases that follow Western's guidelines and procedures!
Target Audience: Western employees who are new to a procurement role, responsible for financial budgeting and reporting, have approval authorities, and those looking for a refresher on procurement related activities.
- Western procurement policies and guidelines
- Selecting the appropriate procurement tool
- How to use Mustang Market
- Sustainable Procurement
Length: 45 minutes
Access the Online Module:
- Log into OWL using the course link: OPER22 - Procurement Basics
- After login, select "Yes, add me" to join worksite
- Select "Online Module" from the menu on the left
- Select the Module link to begin
Procuring Goods & Services Roundtable (Workshop) *Registration Open*
What should you consider before procuring goods and services? Who can sign a contract? When do you use Mustang Market for procuring goods and services? Join us for this roundtable session to ask subject experts questions and get answers to these and many other procurement related questions. You’ll leave feeling more aware and self-sufficient.
Target Audience: Administrators who procure goods and services, review or provide approval for procurement.
Workshop Leaders: Kristen McGill, Director, Procurement Services, Julie Dunbar Nicely, eProcurement Manager, both from Financial Services
Note: For detailed step-by-step learning please also complete:
Format: Virtual
Length: 60 minutes
Scheduled for: May 15, 2025, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Course Number: OPER27
Travel & Expense Claims: Guidelines & Process (Workshop)
This session provides participants with an understanding of the policies and guidelines that govern travel and expense claim processes. Functionality of the online Western Financials claims process will be reviewed as well as other reimbursement options available. Best practices for making travel arrangements will be presented.
See also:
Travel Expense Claims: Using the System (OPER20) for a hands-on workshop.
Target Audience: Individuals who approve travel and expense claims and administrative staff supporting the claims process. This session is also available to individuals that travel and submit expenses.
Workshop Leader: Ashley de Jeu, Manager Accounts Payable & Reimbursements, Financial Services
- Principles, guidelines and policies governing travel expenses
- Making travel arrangements
- Approval and authorization process
- Allowable travel and other eligible expense
- Common errors
- Reimbursement process
Format: In-person on campus (SSB 4210)
Length: 90 minutes
Scheduled for: To be scheduled
Course Number: OPER3
Register for Available Sessions
Learning Resources:
Creating a Travel and Expense Claim FAQ’s – reference sheet
Travel Booking & Expense Claims Micro-Module
Visit the Financial Services Training & Reference page for additional resources
Western Financials - General Ledger Inquiries (Workshop) *Registration Open*
This hands-on course will provide familiarity with Western’s accounting environment and the ability to perform basic financial inquiries. The material presented will be of particular interest to staff that are new to performing inquiries as a part of their job, and will cover the essentials, but will not cover all of the reporting options.
There will be a prerequisite exercise to provide some base knowledge about general navigation and definitions that will not be explained in the session.
Target Audience: Western employees who are new to reviewing or analyzing financial information as part of their job.
Workshop Leader: Sonya Cuprjak, Manager Financial Information Systems & Support, Financial Services
- Inquiry overview functionality demonstrated using Programs and Projects
- Investigating transaction details using module specific pages (outside of the GL Inquiry)
- Research project inquiries
- Department wide inquiries (multiple programs)
- Unit or division inquiries (multiple departments)
- A brief introduction to nVision reports
Length: 90 minutes
Scheduled for: March 26, 2025, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Course Number: OPER12
Register for Available Sessions
Learning Resources:
Western Financials Overview – video
Navigating Western Financials - reference sheet
Visit the Financial Services Training & Reference page for additional resources
Western Financials - Online Journal Entries (Workshop or Online Module)
This hands-on course will provide familiarity with Western’s on-line Journal Entry ‘creation to completion’ process and provide the ability to perform other journal functions; including editing, copying and deleting. There will be a prerequisite exercise to provide some base knowledge about general navigation and definitions that will not be explained in the session.
Target Audience: Western employees who are new to completing journal entries in Western Financials as part of their job.
Workshop Leader: Sonya Cuprjak, Manager Financial Information Systems & Support, Financial Services
- Journal Entry overview
- Journal Entry creation (detailed navigation and required steps)
- Understanding journal entry status (including Edit, Budget and Post)
- Viewing journals that have different statuses (primarily Posted and Unposted)
- Copying journals
- Deleting journals
- Printing journals
Format: Virtual
Length: 90 minutes
Scheduled for: To be scheduled
Course Number: OPER1 (workshop)
Register for Available Sessions
Access the Online Module:
- Log into OWL using the course link: OPER1A – Online Journal Entry Series
- After login, select "Yes, add me" to join worksite
- Select "Online Module" from the menu on the left
- Select the Module link to begin
Learning Resources:
Western Financials Overview – video
Navigating Western Financials - reference sheet
Visit the Financial Services Training & Reference page for additional resources
Live, Virtual Q&A: Accounts Payable & Reimbursements
In this one-hour drop-in session, we will be on hand to answer any questions you might have about accounts payable & reimbursements.
Workshop Leader: Ashley de Jeu, Manager, Accounts Payable & Reimbursements, Financial Services
Format: Virtual
Length: 60 minutes
Scheduled for: To be scheduled
Live, Virtual Q&A: Western Financials - General Ledger Inquiries & Online Journal Entries *Registration Open*
In this one-hour drop in session, we will be on hand to answer any questions you might have about general ledgers and journal entries.
Workshop Leader: Sonya Cuprjak, Manager Financial Information Systems & Support, Financial Services
Format: Virtual
Length: 60 minutes
Scheduled for: February 26, 2025, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Register here)
Live, Virtual Q&A: Endowed & Restricted Funds *Registration Open*
In this one-hour drop-in session, we will be on hand to answer any questions you might have about endowed and restricted funds.
Workshop Leader: Kim Lincoln-Groves, Financial Officer Endowed and Restricted Funds, Financial Services
Format: Virtual
Length: 60 minutes
Scheduled for: March 27, 2025, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Register here)
Information and Resource Security
Reporting Concerns of Financial Misuse (Workshop)
In this session, participants will learn about Western’s Safe Disclosure Policy (also known as a Whistleblower Policy); what it is, when it might apply and how to use it. Like a fire drill, be prepared. Learn how to recognize and respond to potential financial misuse. Know the process and tools available in the unlikely event that you need them. This course is a staple for all administrators.
Target Audience: Employees responsible for financial management and reporting, and administrative staff involved in financial transactions and monitoring functions.
Workshop Leaders: Candice Borrows, Internal Auditor, Jim Loupos, Director, Khurram Sikander, Internal Auditor, Dorukhan Turan, Internal Auditor, all from Internal Audit
- Introduction to Internal Audit
- Fraud 101
- Origins of safe disclosure
- Western's safe disclosure policy
- What the policy covers, what it doesn't
- How to use the policy
- Overview of the investigation/reporting process
Format: Virtual
Length: 90 minutes
Scheduled for: To be scheduled
Course Number: OPER15
Working Securely in Remote, Flexible or On-Site Teams (Online Resources)
How do I ensure the information used for my work at Western is safe and secure when working remotely, or in a mix of a remote and on-campus team? What are the best practices to ensure financial, employee, student, research or other information are protected? Review the learning resources below to learn best practices related to information security and privacy when working in our remote and flexible environments.
Target Audience: Administrators working in faculties and ancillary units at Western.
Learning Resources:
Your Role in Protecting Corporate Information (Workshop)
In this workshop about the appropriate use of Information at Western, participants will learn the different classifications of data and how to protect each type (employee, research, financial, and student data). Participants will also learn what to do in the event of a security breach and best practices for the collection, use, disclosure, storage and destruction of personal information.
Target Audience: Administrative staff who work with employee, financial, research or student information.
Workshop Leaders: Brent Fowles, Director – Cybersercurity and Business Servcies, Western Technology Services, Kelly-Ann Sullivan, Associate University Legal Counsel (Privacy) Presidents Office - VP Operations & Finance
- Data classification at Western
- Data Life Cycle
- Proper handling of personal information including collection, use, disclosure, storage and destruction
- What to do in the event of a security breach
- Overview of the laws and policies that govern information
Format: Virtual
Length: 90 minutes
Scheduled for: To be scheduled
Course Number: OPER17
New Administrator Orientation (Online Module)
Welcome to your new role at Western! Being new in an administrative role can be challenging. There is a lot to do and many things to know. Join us for this overview session to get oriented to departments, services and key resources available at Western to help you have a successful start.
Target Audience: New administrators involved in financial, human resources, or other administrative capacity.
Length: Approximately 45 minutes
Access the Online Module:
- Log into OWL using the course link: OPER24A – New Administrator Orientation
- After login, click "Yes, add me" to join worksite
- Select "Online Module" from the menu on the left
- Select the Module link to begin
Graduate Teaching Assistant Appointment Processing (Online Module)
In this online training module, participants will learn how to use automated and online functionality to appoint Graduate Students.
Target Audience: Administrative staff supporting the graduate student appointments
- Appointing GTAs online
- Making changes to existing appointments
- Pay administration
- Reporting on employment and pay
Length: Approximately 45 minutes
Access the Online Module:
- Log into OWL using the course link: OPER6 - Online Graduate Student Appointment Process
- After login, click "Yes, add me" to join worksite
- Select "Online Module" from the menu on the left
- Select the link to begin the module
Immigration Requirements for Hiring Foreign Nationals (Workshop) *Registration Open*
Hiring or inviting a foreign national to Western involves different government requirements and programs. In this session, participants will learn about the two major program, Temporary Foreign Worker Program and International Mobility program, which are most frequently used for workers and international visitors to campus.
Target Audience: Those who support academic leaders in the appointment process of hiring foreign nationals (faculty/staff/post-docs and visiting professors) including completing recruitment search forms, appointment and contract letters (if applicable) and collecting required immigration documents for payment processes.
Workshop Leader: Jennifer Holburn, Faculty Recruitment Consultant and Immigration Specialist, Office of Vice-Provost Academic Planning, Policy & Faculty
Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP)- Purpose
- Advertising requirements for high-skilled workers and academics
- Labour market impact assessments (LMIA)
- Compliance
- Purpose
- CIC categories for Reciprocal Academic Exchanges
- Advertising requirements for high-skilled workers
- Invitation letters
- Compensation including scholarships, living allowances and reimbursement of receiptable travel expenses
- Appointment processing - Academic or Associated Persons
- Immigration documentation required
- Compliance
Format: In-person on campus (Weldon Library, WL-252)
Length: 2 hours
Scheduled for: May 14, 2025, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Course Number: OPER11
Overview of My Human Resources for New Administrators (Online Module)
In this overview session, participants will learn about the information and functions available to administrators, including accessing employee information and the various reports that can be run. It is designed for those who are NEW to working with the administration side of the system.
Target Audience: New end users of the HR system including: administrative officers, payroll assistants/coordinators, recruiters, graduate student administrators, operational managers.
- What is My Human Resources
- Access requests and security
- Viewing department employee information (personal, employment and Job Data)
- Available reports
Length: Approximately 40 minutes
Access the Online Module:
- Log into OWL using the course link: OPER7A – Overview of My Human Resources for New Administrators
- After login, click "Yes, add me" to join worksite
- Select "Online Module" from the menu on the left
- Select the Module link to begin
Pay Requisition and Administration (Workshop) *Registration Open*
Participants will gain an understanding of the processes involved in paying Western employees on-time and accurately. The types of pay, reconciliation, and risks involved will also be reviewed.
Target Audience: Those who are accountable for the collection, input and verification of pay for hourly paid employees as well as those accountable for requisitioning additional pays for monthly paid employees. These include payroll assistants, administrative officers, financial assistants, faculty/staff relations coordinators, and operational leaders.
Workshop Leaders: Dolores Massey, Payroll Specialist, Holly Hrytzay, Payroll Specialist, Marian Schneider, Manager Payroll Services, all from Human Resources
- Pay cycles - which employment types are paid when
- Reading a payroll calendar and understanding tasks to be completed
- Earnings types
- Funding accounts and online changes
- Requisition for hourly paid employees
- Requisition of overtime and other earnings types
- Job related additional earnings
- Payment for additional duties
- Pay calculations and reconciliations
- Vacation pay
- Benefit recovery charges
- SALCOM queries and tools
Format: In person on campus (SSB 4210)
Length: 90 minutes
Scheduled for: April 3, 2025, 9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Course Number: OPER8
Working at Western: Part-Time Recruitment (Online Module)
This on-line course is required prior to administrators gaining access to the Working at Western functionality on My Human Resources. The course is delivered in three self-study modules, and provides participants with an understanding of the on-line recruitment process for hiring part-time faculty and staff. Participants will learn how to create a job opening, manage applicants, create an offer letter and submit the hire.
Target Audience: Only those who support and coordinate the recruitment process for part-time faculty and/or part-time staff positions at Western.
Access to Recruitment in PeopleSoft HR:
Must follow all appropriate security approval processes in your faculty or unit.
- Creating a job opening
- Managing applicants
- Creating an offer letter
- Submitting the hire
Length: Approximately 60 minutes
Access the Online Module:
- Log into OWL using the course link: OPER13 - Working at Western: Part-Time Recruitment
- After login, click "Yes, add me" to join worksite
- Select "Online Modules" from the menu on the left
- Select the Module link to begin
Work Study Student – Appointment Processing (Workshop) *Registration Open*
In this session, participants will learn to use automated and online functionality to appoint Work Study students.
Target Audience: Administrative staff responsible for appointing work study students.
Workshop Leaders: Swapna Syamaladevi, Student Financial Service Officer, Office of the Registrar, Wade Boye, Human Resources Communications Specialist, Human Resources
- Appointment, administration and approver roles
- Hiring and appointing Work Study students
- Minimum employment standards for students
- Pay administration for students
- Reporting on student employment and pay
Format: Virtual
Length: 90 minutes
Scheduled for: March 25, 2025, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Course Number: OPER9
Register for Available Sessions
Learning Resources:
Work Study Program Procedure Manual – user guide
Live, Virtual Q&A: Immigration Requirements for Hiring Foreign Nationals
Attend this virtual drop-in session where Jennifer Holburn, Faculty Recruitment Consultant and Immigration Specialist from the Office of Faculty Relations will be on hand to answer your questions related to hiring foreign national faculty.
Workshop Leader: Jennifer Holburn, Faculty Recruitment Consultant and Immigration Specialist, Office of Vice-Provost Academic Planning, Policy & Faculty
Format: Virtual
Length: 60 minutes
Scheduled for: To be scheduled
Award Certification: Where Funding & Activity Compliance Meet (Workshop)
Did you know that funded research involving humans, animals, or biological agents requires certification management and reporting? This is different from the ethical review and approval of research activity. Certification monitoring ensures Principal Investigators meet sponsor requirements. Attend this workshop to learn about this process and how to better support Principal Investigators throughout the funded research life cycle.
Target audience: Administrators, Research Officers and others who support Principal Investigators with research funding applications and ongoing research fund management.
Workshop Leaders: Dana Lowry and Kathleen Beharrell, Program Coordinators (Funded Research Risk) from Research Services, a part of Western Research.
- Key terminology
- Overview of the Award Certification process
- Certificate compliance monitoring at Western and with the sponsors
- Difference between certificate compliance and the ethical use of human, animal and biological agents, and the associated offices involved
- Research On-line Administration system and certificate compliance
Format: Virtual
Length: 90 minutes
Scheduled for: To be scheduled
Course Number: OPER30
Capturing Scholarly Research Impact Using InCites & Web of Science (Workshop)
Research impact is the way that research benefits individuals, organizations, and communities. This workshop will walk you through the InCites and Web of Science platforms which are available to researchers and administrators at Western. Each has a variety of indicators to describe research impact. If you are involved in helping faculty with research grant applications, tenure applications, or award nominations this workshop is for you.
Target audience: Administrators involved in reporting on research activities, the development of research grant proposals, award and/or tenure applications, or strategic planning related to research.
Workshop Leader: Qing Liu, Bibliometrics and Research Impact Analyst, Research Services
- Tools used to highlight the impact of research
- Indicators available to describe scholarly impact and what each means
- Finding research indicators using InCites and Web of Science
- How InCites and Web of Science help research administrators
Format: In-person on campus (Weldon Library, WL-15 (lower level))
Length: 2 hours
Scheduled for: To be scheduled
Course Number: OPER26
Research Finance: Understanding the Financial Side of Research Projects (Workshop)
This session supports the financial management of research projects to ensure funds are utilized as intended and in accordance with the terms, conditions and regulations of the funding sources as well as University policies and procedures. Participants will gain an understanding of the non-financial and financial information available through Western Financials and learn how this information can assist with financial status monitoring.
Target audience: Researchers, financial administrators, administrative staff as well as research students and employees that support the financial processes and management of research projects
Workshop Leaders: Chris Zekany, Financial Officer, Deanne Babcock, Director Research Finance, Meredith Legault, Associate Director, Research Finance, Svetlana Berdnik, Financial Officer, all from Financial Services
- Overview of how to access statement and summary information
- Budget periods, dates, funding source, project information
- Review financial and non-financial information
- Budget, actual expenses, current period, cumulative amounts, revenue, expenses, encumbrances
- Speed codes and researcher identification
- Over expenditures
- External reporting
- Guidelines, policies and procedures
- Funding sources and programs (including Tri-Agency)
- Tasks and navigational assignments
Format: Virtual
Length: 90 minutes
Scheduled for: To be scheduled
Course Number: OPER4
Register for Available Sessions
Learning Resources:
Post Award Research Admin – Roles & Responsibilities - user guide
Print & Read a Research Project Monthly Financial Statement – video
Research Finance Post-Award Project Administration – user guide
Visit the Financial Services Training & Reference page for additional resources
Supporting Research: Grant Applications & Financial Activities Roundtable (Workshop)
What are the steps required to apply for a research grant? What needs to occur before funds are released? What is an eligible expense on a research grant? Join us for this roundtable, to get answers to these and many other of your own research related questions from subject experts in Western Research and Research Finance.
Target Audience: Administrators who support research grant applications or financial activities for funded grants.
Workshop Leaders: Deanne Babcock, Director Research Finance, Financial Services, Natalie Wu, Director, Grant Management & Services, Research Services
Note: For more detailed step-by-step learning please also attend:
- Using ROLA – Research On-line Administrative System, and
- Research Finance: Understanding the Financial Side of Research Projects
Format: In-person on campus (Weldon Library, WL-15 (lower level))
Length: 90 minutes
Scheduled for: To be scheduled
Course Number: OPER25
Using ROLA, Research On-line Administration System (Workshop)
In this workshop, participants will learn how ROLA supports and integrates research administration management processes at Western, from the pre-application phase through to post-award. The session will address ROLA user access, where to find research funding opportunities, creating and submitting ROLA proposals for approvals, award activation and electronic records management (Laserfiche).
Target Audience: Administrative/research staff who support faculty in applying for research funding, managing research awards, and/or who provide guidance on these processes.
Workshop Leader: Cessandra Latinovich, Grants Officer and Patt Brocksom, Data & Systems Specialist, both from Research Services
- What are ROLA and Laserfiche?
- ROLA system access
- Finding research funding opportunities
- Creating and submitting ROLA proposals
- Generation and activation of research projects
- Performing searches in ROLA
Format: Virtual
Length: 2 hours
Scheduled for: To be scheduled
Course Number: OPER19
Live, Virtual Q&A: The Financial Side of Research Projects
Attend this virtual drop-in session where subject experts from Research Finance will be on hand to answer your financial questions about managing, supporting or administering a Research Project.
Workshop Leaders: Chris Zekany, Financial Officer, Deanne Babcock, Director Research Finance, Meredith Legault, Associate Director, Research Finance, Svetlana Berdnik, Financial Officer, all from Financial Services
Format: Virtual
Length: 60 minutes
Scheduled for: To be scheduled
To Register
- Note the Course Number of the workshop(s) you wish to attend
- Sign into " My Human Resources "
- Select Training
- Select Enroll in Internal Training Courses
- Select Search by Course Number
- Find your course and View Available Sessions
- Click on the session you plan to attend
- Submit your registration
- Print the confirmation screen for your records
- Save the date and time in your calendar
- You will receive a calendar invitation within 2 days of registering that contains either a Zoom link (virtual) or the room information (on campus)
- Note: Course materials for virtual sessions will be emailed out 2 days prior to the course delivery date
- Note: Live, Virtual Q&A sessions have a registration link within the course description, please use that to register
Program Details
Who Should Participate
Operational Excellence is designed to help those in administrative roles perform the work that is currently a part of your role at Western. Each course focuses on specific administrative job functions. Please review the course descriptions to determine what will be helpful to you.
Program Certificates and Recognition
When you complete a workshop or online module, it is noted in your My Human Resources training record after achieving 70% or higher on an online quiz in OWL. If you successfully complete any combination of five or more workshops, eLearning modules or roundtables in the Operational Excellence Program you will receive a “Program Certificate of Achievement” in Administrative Operational Excellence at our annual recognition event. For those who are unable to attend, arrangements will be made to have your certificate delivered after the event.
Western Human Resources will review eligibility for recognition and contact you if you have qualified.
Western's Administrative Policies & Procedures
For all of the policies and procedures that govern activities at Western, review the Manual of Administrative Policies & Procedures.
Additional Learning
There are a number of other learning opportunities and resources that are of benefit to those in administrative roles at Western. Select the links below for details.
Western Certificate in Management (Western CIM)
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