Sun Life Financial - Get Help with Your Pension

Need help now? Call the Customer Care Centre

Do you have a question now? Get help with questions, investment changes, using the tools and more by calling the Sun Life Customer Care Centre at 1-866-733-8612 any business day between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ET.

Book a Consultation: Personal Consultations with a Sun Life Representative - three ways!

A personal consultation is the best way to have your questions answered. All consultants are salaried employees of Sun Life which helps ensure your goals are the only goals. You have choices, depending on your needs, and where you are at in your career.  Learn more about navigating support throughout your journey.

On-campus meetings are held at different times during the year and offer the option to meet in person with a Consultant from Sun Life. If you need support, no need to delay to the next visit. See option 2 and 3 below or call Sun Life at 1-866-733-8612.

A Financial Services Consultant with Sun Life's 360 Plan Advice service can provide you with personal, unbiased, one-on-one investment advice on your Western Pension Plan AND they can also help you build your broader financial plan. Book an appointment between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., and if you wish, include a spouse or trusted friend in your planning discussion. Once connected, you’ll be able to reach out to your consultant when you have questions as your plan evolves.

Book 360 appointment now 

Or call 1-866-634-4840 any business day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. to book your appointment.

Retirement Consultants provide dedicated support to members who are within five to seven years of retiring. They can provide planning support, income projections and information about the Sun Life Retirement & Savings Plan for Western Retirees.

Book virtual appointment now 

Or call 1-866-224-3906 (option 1) any business day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. to book your appointment.

Go online!

You have 24/7 online and mobile access at to view your account balances, make investment changes and access tools.

New to Sun Life online? Here's what you need to know.

The first time you access your account at Sun Life you must register. Instructions for registration may be found below. Once you have registered you may login:

  • Active employees may use their Western user ID and password on the Pension Plan login page at Western.
  • All members can go directly to and use their Sun Life access ID and password to login.*
  • Members may download the my Sun Life Mobile App, available for smart phones to review their account online, any time, on the go*
  • Your account number is 03479 followed by your 9-digit Western ID number.

*Note – you may be asked to authenticate and provide further information at login.

Need assistance? Please contact the Sun Life Customer Care Centre at 1-866-733-8612.

Registering for access to your Sun Life account

The first time you login to your account, either through the Western login page (using your Western credentials) or directly at, you will be asked to verify your identity and register. Here is information you may be required to provide:

  • Your Western employee ID (nine digits) or your Sun Life account number (03479 followed by your 9-digit Western ID number)
  • Your date of birth, country of residence, postal code and your account number
  • You will be prompted to establish a Sun Life access ID and password (unless you have done so for a previous Sun Life account). These will be used anytime you log directly into or use the my Sun Life Mobile App.

If you have any questions or require help to register, please contact the Sun Life Customer Care Centre at 1-866-733-8612 any business day between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

Navigating Support from Sun Life

Learn how to get support in making decisions, managing your account, and planning for your financial future.
View presentation slides

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