Safety & Well-being
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Employee Well-being
- Living Well at Western offers free fitness classes and wellness opportunities. Visit Living Well now!
Employee Well-Being at Western encompasses both supportive and proactive services and programs to help you be your physical and mental best. These include:
- Assisting employees impacted by illness, injury or disability, including accommodation, return-to-work and stay-at-work programs, and providing documentation that may be required
- Providing information and support regarding ergonomics and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
- The Western Workplace Health Clinic - providing occupational health surveillance, occupational and non-occupational medical care and treatment, and a safe space to share both work and personal health concerns and/or issues.
- Wellness information and programs to help employees achieve balance and well-being, including Living Well with free fitness classes and wellness programs.
- Assisting employees to identify supports for mental wellness
- Assisting employees with the neurodiversity toolkit.
Contact Information
Employee Well-being offices are located in the Support Services Building, Room 4159. For specific programs here are the contacts:
Accommodation Coordination and Case Management, and Ergonomics:
Please note: Each Faculty or Department is served by a specific Consultant. Please visit the Accommodation Contacts website to choose your Faculty or Department and see contact information for your Health and Well-being Consultant.
Robert O'Halloran
ext. 88798
Jennifer Teal
ext. 86799
Workplace Safety Insurance Board
Other Wellness Supports
Healthy Living and Well-being Services and Supports
Address: location varies based on activity, all activities take place on campus
Description: The Living Well @ Western Program provides free activities designed to promote one’s wellness and improve employee well-being. The program offers a monthly wellness events calendar with a full list of activities across campus, such as meditation, sculpt fitness class, yoga, Zumba, 20-minute bodyweight workouts, core & cardio fitness classes, and wellness walks. Services are available for free.
Referral/How to Apply: For more information on the various activities offered by the “Living Well at Western” Program, please visit the website. There will be online links to book a spot depending on your chosen activity, and instructions on how to sign up to collect points as a Western employee under the Wellness Rewards Program.
Address: Room 4159, Support Services Building. London, ON, Canada, N6A3K7
Email: Please visit the accommodation contacts website to choose your faculty or department and see contact information for your specific health and well-being consultant.
Contact: Contact varies depending on your faculty or department at Western, please visit the Employee Well-being website to choose the appropriate health and well-being consultant.
Description: The Employee Well-Being Team at Western provides assistance for various aspects of an individual’s life, such as assisting employees impacted by illness, injury, or disability, and Wellness Information and programs to help employees achieve balance and well-being in their work lives. Services are available for free in English.
Referral: The Employee Well-being offices are located in the Support Services Building, Room 4159. Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for further inquiries, or use the contact information listed for your specific well-being consultant to reach out privately.
Address: Support Services Building, Room 4159, Western University. London, ON, Canada, N6A 3K7
Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 85472
Description: Workplace Health at Western offers Western employees with consultations for health screening, and potential workplace hazards. This includes treatment of occupational and non-occupational illness/injuries and general health concerns. Employees are also able to obtain yearly flu shots and regularly have their blood pressure monitored. Treatment of workplace injuries and illnesses include, but are not limited to falls, strains/sprains, minor lacerations, needle stick injuries, burns, chemical/laboratory exposures, and blood pressure checks. Services are available for free in English.
Referral/How to Apply: No referral necessary. Please contact Western Workplace Health by phone, or refer to the Health & Safety contacts outlined above for individual inquiries.
Description: A directory of healthcare options, topics, events and more.
Description: Recalls, safety alerts, information about drugs and health products and other tips for healthy living.
Health and Safety Team - Western University
Address: Room 4159, Support Services Building, Western University. London, ON, N6A 3K7
Email: For specific issues, please contact the appropriate person directly, at Health & Safety Contacts - Human Resources - Western University
Hours: Mon to Fri, 8:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m.
Description: The Health and Safety Team at Western University handles various areas of safety, including general safety training, hazardous materials and wastes, radiation safety, WSIB, environmental safety, lab safety, biosafety, corporate insurance, and workplace accident reporting. With team members specializing in different areas of safety, the health and safety team aims to promote the overall well-being and safety of staff at Western. Services are available for free in English.
Referral/How to Apply: To connect with specific supports, please visit the contact directory above for further information on the appropriate individual to connect with. This directory lists the contact information, including the office location, telephone, and e-mail of individuals handling various areas of safety at Western University.
Address: 1151 Richmond Street. London, ON, Canada, N6A 3K7
Email: For specific email inquiries, please visit Contact Us - Sport and Recreation Services - Western University for further contact information.
Hours: Spring/Summer Hours (May 1- Aug 27): Mon to Fri 6:30 a.m. - 8 p.m., Sat-Sun 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Closed Victoria Day.
Description: Campus Recreation offers a wide range of programs and activities such as opportunity to participate in intramurals, various sports clubs, and programs such as aquatics & first aid, personal training, wellness, and women’s only workout spaces. Services are available in English with membership fees apply.
Referral/How to Apply: For Western students, staff, and faculty, your Western ID card is also your campus recreation membership card. Other community members may purchase a membership at Membership Services in the Western Student Recreation Centre.
Address: Room 2139, Somerville House. London, ON, Canada, N6A 3K7.
Hours: Some drop-ins are accommodated, appointment-basis preferred.
Contact: Contact Info - Human Rights Office - Western University
Tel: 519-661-3334
Description: The human rights office at Western provides advice and support to all members of Western’s campus community, and addresses concerns including but not limited to, human rights-based harassment, discrimination, and concerns related to personal harassment or workplace harassment. Services are available for free in English.
Areas served: Western University
Fowler Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic - Western University
Address: Western University, 3M Centre. 1151 Richmond St, London, ON. N6A 3K7
Hours: Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Contact: Information on various healthcare professionals offering services at the clinic can be found online, at Our Team - Fowler Kennedy Sport Medicine
Tel: 519-661-3011
Description: This clinic offers assessment and rehabilitation services of sport and activity-related injuries through Sports Medicine, Physiotherapy, Kinesiology, Orthopedic Surgery, Massage Therapy, as well as custom orthotics and braces. Services are available in English.
Referral/How to Apply: Appointments can be made on a referral basis through your family physician, or for self-referrals, contact the clinic by phone at 519-661-3011.
Fees: Service, most diagnostic services are covered by OHIP, fees are charged depending on individual session requirements. Some fees are partially recoverable through extended health benefits.
Areas served: Southwestern Ontario
CBI Health Clinic - Western University
Address: Western University, Thames Hall, Room 2120. 1151 Richmond St, London, ON. N6A 3K7
Hours: Hours will vary, please refer to their website.
Contact: Information on various healthcare professionals offering services at the clinic can be found online, at Canadian Rehabilitation & Home Health Services | CBI Health
Description: This clinic offers assessment and rehabilitation services of injuries through Physiotherapy, Kinesiology, Massage Therapy, and Occupational Therapy. Services are available in English.
Referral/How to Apply: Appointments can be made on a referral basis through your family physician, or for self-referrals, contact the clinic by phone.
Fees: Service, fees are charged depending on individual session requirements. Please refer to your extended health benefits.
Areas served: Southwestern Ontario
Physical and General Health Services and Supports
Description: Offers helpful information on nutrition, communicable diseases, vaccinations and much more. Flu vaccine clinics are also available.
Fees: The majority are covered by UHIP/OHIP.
Areas served: Southwestern Ontario
Description: This great website will help you understand the signs of stroke, and show you that anyone can do CPR and use a defibrillator to save a life.
Tel: 1-800-445-1822
Description: This Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care program refers people without a regular family health care provider to physicians and nurse practitioners who are accepting new patients in their community. One can call the representative hotline above or register online on the website to be connected to a Care Connector Nurse to help search for a family health care provider. Services available in English and French.
Hours: Phone line available 24/7
Contact: Live chat function found on the website
Tel: 811 (TTY: 1-866-797-0007)
Description: This health line will connect you with a registered nurse day or night for free, secure and confidential health advice. They can also assist you in connecting to various programs and services such as applying for a health card, finding a doctor, vaccines and immunizations, coverage for prescription drugs and assistive device programs. Services available in English and French.
Description: A directory of health care options, topics, events and more in the London and surrounding area.
Mental Health Services and Supports
Employee Well-Being - Western University
Address: Room 4159, Support Services Building. London, ON, Canada, N6A3K7
Contact: Contact varies depending on your faculty or department at Western, please visit the Employee Well-being website to choose the appropriate health and well-being consultant.
Description: The Employee Well-Being Team at Western provides assistance for various aspects of an individual’s life, such as assisting employees impacted by illness, injury, or disability, and Wellness Information and programs to help employees achieve balance and well-being in their work lives.
Referral: The Employee Well-being offices are located in the Support Services Building, Room 4159. Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for further inquiries, or use the contact information listed for your specific well-being consultant to reach out privately.
Areas served: Employees at Western University
Description: Information and resources for Faculty and Staff, and families. Students may access resources for students on the Student Health and Wellness website.
First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line
Description: 24-hour culturally relevant telephone and online crisis intervention counselling.
Contact: Call 1-855-242-3310.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Phone number: 1-855-597-2105
Description: Through EAP, employees can access help through confidential counseling support to help you and/or your family so that you can bring your best self to work. EAP can help you and your family find support for a wide range of life’s challenges. There are a variety of programs across the continuum of mental health and wellness available to you with services available in over 40 languages.
Other Services Provided: The EAP brochure lists several other programs that EAP provides for free, including:
- Nutrition
- Achieving good health and well-being
- Legal advice
- Financial guidance
- Managing relationships and family
- Dealing with workplace challenges
- Grief and Bereavement
- Accessing child and elder care resources
- Tackling addictions
Referral/How to Apply: No referral or application necessary. Tool is available to all online.
Website: Required Training - Human Resources - Western University (
Description: This learning module is under the Recommended Learning on Western Human Resources Required Training web page.This module is only 15 minutes in length and provides participants with a basic understanding of Mental Health issues and resources available on campus and in the community.
Referral/How to Apply: No referral or application necessary, tool is available to Western employees.
Description: Half-day alertness training to prepare participants to become a suicide-alert helper. Training will help participants recognize invitations for help, engage individuals appropriately, and take action by connecting them with life-saving intervention resources.
Cost: Check the website for up-to-date prices.
Referral/How to Apply: Apply through the website. No referral necessary, anyone can apply.
Description: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid. This program teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thoughts of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety.
Cost: Check the website for up-to-date prices.
Referral/How to Apply: Apply through the website. No referral necessary, anyone can apply.
CMHA Reach Out Line
Phone Number: 519-433-2023. Or 1-866-933-2023
Hours: Accessible 24/7
Description: Reach Out is a 24/7 bilingual information and referral, support and crisis services for individuals in the local London community. Trained mental health workers answer all calls and provide system navigation, supportive listening, and crisis services. Services available in English, French.
Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Centre (CMHA)
Address: 648 Huron Street, London.
Hours: Accessible 24/7
Description: Provides walk-in support for individuals experiencing a mental health and/or addiction crisis who do not require hospital or emergency services (911). No referral is needed.
Shelters and Housing Services and Supports
Phone Number: 519-673-3242 x 1222
Address: 200 Queens Ave, Suite 260, London ON, N6A 1J3
Description: Housing is available in both shared living homes and in individual units, with support ranging from 24/7 on-site staff support, to daily or weekly support, to support that can be initiated by tenants when needed. Support within shared living environments can include assistance with activities of daily living, medication education and administration, and in some cases higher levels of personal care. Many of our housing options are provided in conjunction with psychosocial rehabilitation programming and/or case management services that will help you develop practical daily living skills, foster independence, and facilitate your continued community integration. Services available in English, French.
Cost: Subsidized monthly rent payments that are geared to income (utilities, grocery, and parking may also be additional costs)
Eligibility: Must complete a self-referral form First Contact & Access Options - CMHA Thames Valley. Additional physician or other service provider documentation may be required.
Salvation Army - Housing Stability Bank
Address: 281 Wellington St N6B 2L4
Phone Number: 519-964-3663 extension 300
Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Thursdays 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Description: Offers financial assistance to low-income residents of London to obtain and retain their housing with assistance with utility arrears and if there is more than one eviction notice. As well as providing first and last months rent free of interest with small monthly repayment plans. Offers financial assistance to those at risk of homelessness to remain housed. Services available in English.
Eligibility: Resident in London meeting income requirements through an eligibility appointment via call.
My Sisters Place - CMHA Thames Valley
Address: 566 Dundas Street, London, ON N6B 1W8
Phone Number: 519-679-9570 x 5000
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Description: Drop-in center for individuals who identify as women
Services Offered:
- Education/skills development
- Mental health services
- Clinical services
- Connection to community programs
- Lunches from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday
Eligibility: Individuals who identify as women experiencing personal crises.
Long Team Care and Senior Services and Supports
Home and Community Care Support Services
Address: 356 Oxford Street West, London, ON, N6H 1T3
Phone Number: 1-800-811-5146
Description: They assess patient care needs and deliver in-home and community-based services to support health and well-being. They provide access and referrals to other community services and manage Ontario’s long-term care home placement process. Support services aim to assist with:
- Remain safely at home with the support of health and other care professionals
- Return home from hospital and recover at home
- Find a family doctor or nurse practitioner
- Find community services that support healthy, independent living
- Transition to long-term care or supportive housing
Eligibility: Depending on the services required, get in touch by calling 310-2222 (no area code required). A care coordinator will advise you about your options and may need to complete an assessment to help determine eligibility, guiding you through the application process and providing other valuable information.
Description: For caregivers of someone with a health condition, disability or care needs associated with aging, you can take a break with government support. Service includes care at home from a personal care worker such as a nurse, physiotherapist, or occupational therapist for activities surrounding self-care (oral care, bathing, dressing, medication), home upkeep, and professional care (nursing, personal support work). Please call Home and Community Care Support Services at 310-2222 (no area code needed) for support and eligibility.
- During a short stay at a long-term care home, expenses are all paid for such that a caregiver can take a rest to recharge before caring for others once more.
- Adult day programming is similar to a short stay but with fees associated with the number of days the person you care for attends the program
Eligibility: All caregivers
The Ontario Caregiver Organization
Phone Number: 416-362-2273 helpline 24/7 care
Hours: 24/7 care via helpline, admin contact on weekdays 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Description: The all-inclusive hub for caregivers to learn more about caregiving, and receive physical/emotional support, resources, and information seeking of the How-Tos of caregiving.
Services Available in English and French
Family Services and Supports
Merrymount Family Support and Crisis Centre
Address: 1064 Colborne St N6A 4B3
Phone Number: 519-434-6848
Hours: 24/7 support but admin assistance 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays
Description: With the mission of supporting stronger children, stronger families, and a stronger community, the organization provides support, transition and crisis care for children and families through strength-based support for family life and well-being with family support groups, overnight care, and supervised protection services. Services available in English and French.
Eligibility: Children birth up to 13 years and their families experiencing stress, support, and resources
Canadian Mental Health Association - Middlesex - Family Support
Address: Various locations around London: Huron Street Site (Information, Intake and Referral): 648 Huron Street, London ON, N5Y 4J8
Phone Number: 519-518-2436 (general)
Hours: Vary to accommodate the need w/ schedule for upcoming events provided after completion of an orientation.
Description: Initiate referral by calling or emailing the Family Support Program to make a self-referral. No formal or professional referral is required. Available for everyone. Services available in English, interpreter.
Eligibility: Anyone
Transportation Services and Supports
London Transit Commission (LTC) - Paratransit
Address: 450 Highbury Avenue North London, ON N5W 5L2 (main office)
Phone Number: 519-453-3444 and 519-455 4579 (for medical transit)
- Weekdays 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
- Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
- Sundays & Holidays 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Description: Upholding the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), London Transit Commission provides Paratransit, a specialized transit service, to meet the needs of all citizens. With the service being a shared ride with others in the community, this door-to-door service allows individuals living with a disability to meet their community travel needs. Though it is important to note that trips are not guaranteed, and the service is influenced by accordance, therefore, apply through their application form and remember to book three days in advance of the trip.
Eligibility: Application Form required to be completed by health care provider.
Website: Biking | City of London to see bike map
Phone Number: Contact us | City of London
Description: Biking is a fun and affordable way to commute around the city of London. With over 350 km of visually beautiful across London, you can use this method of transportation to commute where you need to go on safe bike-designated paths - with a trail cutting right through Western University.
Local Cycling Groups:
Meals and Nutrition Services and Supports
TelusHealth (formerly LifeWorks) Canada - Nutrition Support Services
Hours: 24/7 confidential Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Support available by phone, online, and mobile app.
Contact: By email, phone, or website/mobile app
Tel: 1-855-597-2105
Description: Telus Health, formerly known as LifeWorks, supports, refers, and provides resources to employees related to many issues, including nutrition support services that provide a holistic and proactive approach to improving nutrition and wellness. EAP professionals work with individuals to address concerns related to weight loss or gain, eating routines, and overall lifestyle changes. Through the EAP, individuals also have access to dietitians for assessment of eating habits, identification of dietary concerns, and answering any other questions you may have. Services are available in English, French
Referral/How to Apply: For more information on customized individual care plans, contact Telus Health at 1-800-361-3493, or fill out the individual care inquiries contact form at Contact Us for Personal Care | TELUS Health Care Centres. Western’s Employee Assistance Program is provided by LifeWorks and is available to all Western Employees and immediate family members at no cost.
Fees: Service (Individual Care), Free (Employee Care) - if part of your Employee Care Package.
Areas served: all major cities in Canada, including London, ON.
Description: Featured recipes and meal planning tips, tools for tracking goals and activities, nutrition tips and more.
Description: Choosing the foods that give your body the nutrients it needs at all stages of your life.
Gut Healthy Dietitian
Thames Hall, Western University
Hours: Appointment hours vary on a day-to-day basis.
Contact: Meet Our Team – Gut Health Dietitian Services
Tel: 519-953-4339
Description: Gut Healthy Dietitian is Western University’s official dietitian, providing services to students, faculty, and staff through Health and Wellness Services at Thames Hall. This service offers one-on-one nutrition counseling for a variety of purposes such as general healthy eating consultations, personalized nutrition plans, and specific dietary goals to promote healthy eating and aid chronic dietary conditions. Services are available in English.
Referral/How to Apply: Contact anytime by email or phone to book an appointment. Appointments can also be booked online at Gut Healthy Dietitian | Powered by Practice Better
Fees: Service, covered by Western health plans and other extended health benefit plans
Areas served: Employees at Western University
BIPOC Services and Supports
Address: 1151 Richmond Street, London, ON, N6A 3K7
Contact: Contact information is listed in the footer of their website.
Description: An initiative held by Western University, aimed at increasing Indigenous voices and presence across all levels of work, study, and research. The Office of Indigenous Initiatives plays a lead role in championing Indigenous strategic directions, building collaborative and community-engaged partnerships, and supporting campus partners in implementing Western's Indigenous Strategic Plan. Everyone is welcome. Services are available in English.
Other Services Offered: various initiatives including truth and reconciliation, Biindigen (Indigenous Learning Circle), Indigenous Formal Curriculum Grant 2022, etc. Indigenous faculty at Western University can also be found here.
Address: 1137 Western Rd, Suite 1200, London, ON, N6G 1G7
Hours: Based on booking.
Description: The Wampum Learning Lodge is an intercultural teaching, learning, and gathering space at Western University, designed with Indigenous epistemologies and pedagogies at its heart. The Lodge facilitates and coordinates services and programming offered by Western’s Office of Indigenous Initiatives, in collaboration with University stakeholders and Indigenous organizations and communities in the Deshkan Zibiing territory. The main goal of the Wampum Learning Lodge is to advance reconciliation, indigenization, and decolonization. Everyone is welcome. Services are available in English.
Other Services Offered: Peetooteewiit (storytelling and knowledge sharing workshop), Biindigen: Indigenous Learning Circle
BIPOC Network (Professional and Managerial Association)
Address: University Community Center, Room 351, London, ON, N6A 3K7
Phone Number: Contact information is listed in the footer of their website.
Hours: Open by appointment only.
Description: The goal of the BIPOC Network is to create a safe space for BIPOC PMA employees to gather, connect, network, and provide targeted opportunities for the group and supporters. Specific objectives include building community, fostering a sense of belonging, creating an open environment to discuss racial inequality and injustice issues, sharing resources and tools, supporting the professional development of BIPOC folk, and advocating for change in the Western community. Services are available in English.
Other Services Offered: personal development workshops, support group, performance dialogue and goal setting, policies, PMA dependant’s tuition scholarship program, educational assistance and professional development, professional expense reimbursement/health care spending account, retirement, equity and human rights (non-discrimination policy, duty to accommodate guideline)
Eligibility: Full-time employees at Western within PMA
Cost: Membership fees associated, please visit Join the PMA for specific prices.
Address: 1151 Richmond Street, Room 2120, London, ON, N6A 3K7
Phone Number: Contact information of various EDI team members.
Description: Office on campus with the goal of promoting, recognizing, and engaging various voices around campus to create a more equitable, diverse, and inclusionary Western community. Everyone is welcome. Services are available in English for free.
Other Services Offered: Western EDID Working Group, Scarborough Charter, Equity Census, and more. Provides a variety of resources and support for accessibility, training and education, incident reporting and consultations for, education, and leadership.
Western University’s Building Inclusivity through Anti-Racism
Description: Western’s Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) and affiliates have developed an e-learning module for education on defining anti-racism and related keywords, recognizing microaggressions and the harmful impact they can have on racialized individuals, and strategies on being an ally on the life-long anti-racism journey. Services are available in English for free.
2SLGBTQ+ Services and Supports
Address: DB Weldon Library, Room 107, London, ON, N6A 3K7
Contact: Contact information.
Description: Open to both those on and off campus, the Pride Library hosted in Western University’s Weldon Library holds a collection of books, periodicals, videos, slides, and CDs concerning LGBTQ2S+ folks. A database is available to search through online. Everyone is welcome. Services are available in English for free.
Address: 1151 Richmond Street, Room 2120, London, ON, N6A 3K7
Phone Number: Contact information of various EDI team members.
Description: Office on campus with the goal of promoting, recognizing, and engaging various voices around campus to create a more equitable, diverse, and inclusionary Western community. Everyone is welcome. Services are available in English for free.
Other Services Offered: Western EDID Working Group, Scarborough Charter, Equity Census, and more. Provides a variety of resources and support for accessibility, training and education, incident reporting and consultations for, education, and leadership.
Immigration Services and Supports
London Cross Cultural Learner Center
Address: 505 Dundas Street, London, ON, N6B 1W4
Contact: Contact information here.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Description: The London Cross-Cultural Learner Center is London’s leading newcomer agency. We work to enrich our community through services and advocacy, furthering the success and sense of belonging of newcomers and individuals from diverse backgrounds. Services available in English, with ability to book translator/interpreter
Eligibility: newcomers to London, ON
Address: 1193 Oxford Street East, Unit 2, London, ON, N5Y 3M2
Contact: Contact information here.
- Monday-Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- closed daily between 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Description: LUSO Community Services is a non-profit multicultural neighbourhood resource center dedicated to promoting inclusiveness, well-being, and the prosperity of the London community. Goals include providing educational programs to help individuals improve their lives, conducting activities that will lead to the reduction of poverty, providing services and educational programs that facilitate the integration of immigrants or refugees in need into the community, and providing charitable social services to members of the multilingual and multi-cultural group living with the communities serviced by the Center.
Other Services Offered: newcomer and immigrant services: information and orientation services, library settlement program, settlement worker in schools, community connections
Children, youth and families - literacy support, basic needs and community support, multicultural education and outreach program
Eligibility: Newcomer to Canada.
London and Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership (LMLIP)
Address: The Skill Center, Third Floor, 141 Dundas Street, London, ON, N6A 1G3
Contact: Contact here for more information.
- Monday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Tuesday-Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Description: At its core, the London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership (LMLIP) is designed to help newcomers to Canada integrate in our community. LMLIP does this through assisting immigrants by connecting them with services and providing information to raise awareness about services and accessibility. In addition LMLIP works with various stakeholders, that include community groups, organizations, and the three levels of government to address issues that prevent the successful integration of immigrants in all aspects of life.
Eligibility: Newcomers to Canada.
Financial Services and Supports
Phone Number: 1-855-597-2105
Hours: Accessible 24/7
Description: Convenient, personalized and interactive, Financial Support Services are available to help you and your family understand and solve every day and complex financial concerns. Gain valuable insight and the tools to build a solid financial plan through help with:
- Credit and debt management
- Budgeting
- Bankruptcy
- Financial aspects of separation and divorce
- Financial emergencies
- Retirement planning
- Employment transitions
- Real Estate
Eligibility: Must be an employee at Western to access services. Services are available in English for free.
Pension Workshops and Planning Tools via Human Resources
Website: Pension Workshops and Planning Tools - Human Resources - Western University
Contact: Use ASK HR to contact the Human Resources Department.
Description: Western’s Human Resources department has developed various e-learning modules on updates, information, and 1:1 support to help with important decisions when it comes to pension plans. Sun Life Financial has also provided webinars on managing finances and increasing financial health, available through registration. They are available for Western employees for free, in English
Legal Services and Supports
Phone Number: 1-855-597-2105
Hours: Accessible 24/7
Description: You have access to legal advisors through your LifeWorks Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which can help answer your legal questions through a confidential consultation. Services are available in English. They can address a range of legal topics and clarify how the law applies to your specific situation. Professional legal consultation covers issues such as:
- Family law
- Separation and divorce
- Custody and child support
- Bankruptcy
- Wills and estate planning
Eligibility: Must be an employee at Western to access services.
Cost: Free, unless: Your legal issue requires assistance beyond the scope of their Legal Support Services, they will help by providing a referral to a qualified lawyer or law firm. You will be responsible for fees incurred if you choose to accept representation from an EFAP- referred legal service. When referred from the EFAP, you may receive a discounted referral rate from the lawyer or firm.
Address: Dispute Resolution Centre, Faculty of Law, Room 126, Western University, N6A 3K7
Hours: By appointment times
Phone Number: 519-661-4044
Description: A not-for-profit clinic that provides mediation service and conflict resolution regarding resolving quick disputes which can serve as an alternative to litigation proceedings. This includes small claims of court and civil matters, neighborhood conflicts, landlord-tenant disputes, employer-employee programs, and interpersonal conflict Services include skills training for one-on-one counseling. Call 519-661-4044 for an appointment. Services are available for free in English.
Community Legal Services (CLS)
Address: Josephine Spencer Niblett Law, 1151 Richmond St Building, 2nd Floor, London, ON N6A 3K7
Phone Number: 519-661-3352
Description: CLS provides free legal assistance to individuals who cannot afford a lawyer. CLS will assist with matters involving: criminal law, provincial offenses, landlord-tenant disputes, small claims court, estate laws (wills and powers of attorney), public legal education, and notarizing documents, affidavits, and statutory declarations. The clinic is staffed by Western law students (Pro Bono Students Canada) working under the supervision of a Review Counsel. Services are available in English for free.
Referral/How to Apply: Call 519-661-3352 and their staff will assist and/or put you in contact with the caseworker assigned to your case. They are not accepting walk-ins at this time.
Gender-Based and Sexual Violence Services and Supports
Required Training: Supporting Disclosures of GBSV at Western
Website: Find “Supporting Disclosures of Gender-Based and Sexual Violence at Western - (Employee Version) at Required Training - Human Resources - Western University.
Description: Western has developed an introductory training module to help employees learn what to say and do, and what is expected of you as an employee, to support students or colleagues if you receive a disclosure. This module is required safety learning for all Western employees and takes approximately 25 minutes to complete.
The Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children (CREVAWC)
Phone: 519-661-4040
Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Description: CREVAWC facilitates the collaboration of individuals, groups and institutions representing the diversity of the community to pursue research questions and training opportunities to understand and prevent violence and abuse. They serve local, national and international communities by producing useful information and tools to assist in the daily work to prevent and stop violence toward women, children and vulnerable adults.
Additional resources and training modules: Online Training - Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children - Western University (
Address: 255 Horton Street E. London, Ontario, N6b 1L1
Phone Number: Non-crisis/business inquiries: 519-642-3003. 24-hr crisis and support helpline: (519) 642-3000 or toll-free 1-800-265-1576
Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
Description: Anova provides services and support for adults and children affected by abuse and sexual violence. Different programs are available. Call the support line to inquire about group or individual counselling. Services are available in English.
Explore Health and Well-being Resource Guide in London Area.
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