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Pension Workshops and Planning Tools
Choose a workshop based on your life stage: Early career
Late career
Winter Education
A new year is a great time to take inventory. Below, you'll find some sessions that will help you get your financial year off to a good start.
Don't forget that salaried consultants from Sun Life are ready to provide you with personal support in managing your account. Learn how to get the support you need.
Pension Quiz: How well do you know your Pension Plan? Take the Pension Quiz and find out! The quiz was created for the third annual Pension Awareness Day, on February 20, 2025. Thanks to all who completed it and were eligible for the prize draw. The quiz remains live for you to have fun learning. No personal or identifiable data is collected from those who complete the survey.
Living your retirement plan - February 25 at 6 p.m. (60 min)

This workshop focuses on:
- Exploring retirement wellness
- Sources of income in retirement
- Protecting your retirement savings
- Protecting yourself and loved ones in retirement
To take part:
- Register now
- Wellness Rewards Code: PLAN25. Are you new to Wellness Rewards? Learn more here.
Western’s Annual Pension Plan Member Update - March 5 at 12 p.m. (75 min)

Western presents this important information annually on behalf of the Joint Pension Board. Your questions will be prioritized in this Zoom session that updates plan members on the performance and activities in 2024 and on the work underway in 2025. The session will feature a demonstration of the financial planning tool Sun Life One Plan.
- Register now
- Wellness Rewards Code: PENSION5. Are you new to Wellness Rewards? Learn more here.
How to start saving today - February 19 at 12 p.m. (60 min) - Complete!
Sun Life is hosting this virtual education session for Western employees. Topics include: credit essentials, budgeting and debt management, cost of housing, and saving essentials. Start out your year informed!
Newcomers to Canada - Financial Essentials by Sun Life - February 11 at 3 p.m. (60 min)- Complete!
Description: Moving to a new country is an exciting opportunity, but also a great challenge. There’s a lot to learn and to adapt to. This presentation is designed to provide you with high level financial essentials relevant to living in Canada. Join us to find out more about four key areas:
- Banking and credit
- Budgeting and debt management
- Taxation and investment products
- Financial protection
On-demand Videos
Looking for some quick help on your Pension Plan, choosing and balancing investments, and planning for retirement? These focussed Sun Life videos are a great way to learn a lot in a short time!
Understanding the Value of your Western Pension Plan (10 mins)

Helpful for all (10 min)
This video discusses saving for your future and the tools and services available to support that goal. Topics include sources of retirement income (government, employer pension, personal savings), examines key features of your Western pension plan, and points you to tools, resources and Customer Care options to help you get answers to your questions.
Choosing Your Investments in the Western Pension Plan (11 mins)

Designed for those in early or mid-career (11 min)
The video offers a good overview of how to save for your future and the tools and services available to support that goal. It will cover sources of retirement income and give you a closer look at Western’s Pension Plan and how to get the most from it. It will also show you the impact of starting early!
Rebalancing your Pension Plan Investment Mix (12 mins)

Helpful for all
Rebalancing the asset mix in your account is a recommended way to help manage risk. This session, recorded by the Western Pension Board's investment consultants at Mercer Canada, will help you understand what it means to rebalance and how you can do it in your Sun Life account.
View video on Rebalancing Your Western Pension Plan - updated October 2023
View French language version on Rebalancing
Investing: The Essentials (11 mins)

Helpful for all (11 min)
This recorded session reviews investment fundamentals around market volatility. It can help you understand your comfort with risk, help you focus on your end game, and diversify to help protect your investments. It can also show you resources and services available when you need information and advice.
Becoming Retirement Ready: Part 1- Assessing your Retirement Readiness (17 mins)

Designed for those in mid or late career (17 min)
Part 1 of this series has a focus on the six to fifteen years prior to retirement, planning for your desired retirement lifestyle, reviewing expenses and creating a budget. You'll examine government sources of income, types of pension and savings plans, and vehicles for converting savings to income such as LIF/RIFs, annuities, etc.
Becoming Retirement Ready: Part 2 - Planning for Retirement Risks (13 mins)

Designed for those in mid or late career (13 min)
Part 2 focuses on the 10 years prior to retirement, covering risks (longevity, inflation, market downturns, unexpected events), the income options to mitigate those risks, and the features of each. Government benefits will also be explained as well as steps to take to plan for lifetime expenses and income.
With a focus on the Sun Life Retirement & Savings Plan for Western Retirees, this video uses a case study to convey possible income sources, available accounts (such as RIF/LIF, RRSP, etc), provides information about fees, sources of government income, and reviews the supports available to help you with your plan.
Becoming Retirement Ready: Part 3 - Living your Retirement Plan (12 mins) 
Designed for those in late career (12 min)
With a focus on the Sun Life Retirement & Savings Plan for Western Retirees, this video uses a case study to convey possible income sources, available accounts (such as RIF/LIF, RRSP, etc), provides information about fees, sources of government income, and reviews the supports available to help you with your plan.
Other Learning Opportunities
Learning how to make sound financial decisions and preparing to take action can take a bit of time, but that investment of time can pay dividends for you and your family. We've gathered some of the best resources and planning tools from our Pension and Benefit providers, and from great outside sources as well. Visit our Financial Resources webpage to get started!
Watch this page for special programs, workshops and consultations that happen throughout the year. Each February/March for instance, you are invited to take part in special pension related workshops and to come to the Annual Meeting for Pension Plan members.
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