Safety & Well-being
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Biosafety Policies & Procedures
Note: If you require Western safety documents or other information in an alternative format, please use ASK HR to contact Human Resources.
Biohazardous Order Procedure
This document outlines the procedure to follow when biohazardous agents are to be ordered.
Importation of Biohazardous Material
If you are importing human or terrestrial animal pathogens, you will need to contact the Biological Safety Officer (BSO), Courtney Voss at x88730.
Import permits from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) are required for:
- pathogens causing foreign animal and emerging animal diseases (i.e., pathogens that are not established in or indigenous to Canada);
- animals, animal products and by-products, tissues, sera and blood that are infected with animal pathogens;
- aquatic animal pathogens: and
- plant pathogens
The Public Health Agency of Canada has determined that some organisms are non-pathogenic and do not require import permits from PHAC. See the non-pathogenic organisms list.
Get more information on Cedarlane orders of Level 2 Biohazards (or above)
Animal Allergen Exposure Reduction Policy
This policy applies to all people who enter or work in animal housing facilities.
Labelling Biohazard Waste
This Safety Alert outlines how to clearly label Biohazard waste containers.
Policy for Lentiviral Vector or Retroviral Vector Postexposure Protocol
Workplace Health Policy for those working with Lentivirus or Retrovirus-based Vectors.
After Hours Exposure Emergency Care Protocols
- Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure from the ImPaKT (CL2 and CL3) Facility, HIV Research After Hours Protocol
- Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure Injury to a Western Dental Employee/Student
- Injury to A Western Employee from A Non-Human Primate/B Virus Exposure After Hours Care
- Lentiviral Vector and Retroviral Vector Postexposure Treatment: After-Hours Care
Adeno-Associated Viral-Specific Policy Clarification
A chart that breaks down work with AAV into three containment levels to provide more clarity and avoid unnecessary procedures.
Biosafety Manual
Biosafety guidelines and procedures to follow in Containment Level 1 and 2 laboratories.
Research Utilizing Virus Vector Transduced Cells or Virus Infection of Animals
This policy applies to animal work involving viral vectors, such as Adenoviral vectors or Lentivirus vectors.
Procedures for the Effective Use of Biological Safety Cabinets
What every user needs to know about biological safety cabinets, including the certification process.
Human Blood and Body Fluids and Guidelines for Using Bleach
Information you will need if you work with human source materials.
Standard Operating Procedures for Autoclaving, Load Verification and Validation, and Autoclave Log Sheet
How to use autoclaves properly at Western, how to verify/validate waste loads using ampoules, and a logsheet for recording autoclave testing.
Guidelines for Using Sodium Hypochlorite as a Disinfectant for Biological Waste
Information on the application of the right concentration of bleach for disinfecting purposes.
Use of Human and Rodent Cells in Animals
Information you will need if you work with rodent or human primary or established cells and rodents.
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