Safety & Well-being
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My Human Resources
Enter direct banking information, view earnings statements, change your address & manage training. [ LOGIN]
Pension Account
View pension plan balances and investment mix and choose your investments. [ LOGIN]
Check and submit claims, get forms, print Manulife card. [ LOGIN]
Faculty Staff Resources
Salary ranges, pay schedules and related information. [ LOGIN]
Researcher Toolbox
Hiring/appointing research roles, including budgeting for salary and benefit costs. [ LOGIN]
Administrator Toolbox
Appointments and pay administration, offer templates. [ LOGIN]
Leader Toolbox
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Western Financial
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Western Workplace Labels
WHMIS requires workplace labels to be applied to hazardous products when:
- the original label is illegible, damaged or missing;
- a product is transferred from the supplier container into another container in the workplace; or
- a hazardous product is produced in the workplace.
The workplace label must contain three items:
- A product identifier identical to that on the SDS for the hazardous product meaning it must be the brand name, chemical name, common name, generic name, trade name, code name or code number of the hazardous product.
- Information for the safe handling of the hazardous product outlining precautions that the worker must take to minimize the risks of adverse health effects or physical injury.
- A statement that a safety data sheet is available.
The information required to complete the label can be found on the safety data sheet.
- Learn more about Safety Data Sheets
- Learn more about WHMIS
Below you will see what Western's new workplace label looks like.
Large (4x4 inch) and small (2.5x2.5 inch) WHMIS workplace labels are available from OHS or your departmental safety contact.

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