Safety & Well-being
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Radiation Protection Principles
- The shorter period of radiation exposure, the less radiation will be absorbed. When possible, people who work in radiation areas must reduce the time that they spend near radioactive sources
- The intensity of ionizing radiation, like the radiation of visible light, rapidly decreases with distance. Therefore, increasing the distance from a radioactive source will reduce the amount of radiation exposure.
- People working with or staying near radiation sources are protected by barriers which include shielding of plastic, lead or concrete.
- Shielding material absorbs the radiation energy therefore reducing the amount of radiation the body absorbs
Types of Shielding Material

Contamination Control
- Contamination occurs when there is a spillage or leakage of radioactive materials.
- Use protective clothing and equipment when working with nuclear substances.
- Prevent the radioactive material from contaminating your skin or your clothes.
- Reduce internal exposure by not eating or not drinking near radioactive sources or in nuclear substance rooms.
- Prevent the spread of radioactive spill.
- Have trained personnel clean up contamination and monitor personnel and area for radiation levels.
Published on and maintained in Cascade CMS.