Growth and Development


It is important for organizations to provide time and resources to allow their employees to pursue their vocational goals. Intrinsic motivation is tied to learning and acquiring new skills. New challenges provide an opportunity for growth. This is a video created by Ottawa Public Health and the Mental Health Commission of Canada, and adapted with permission from Mindful Employer Canada. (time - 3:51)

What can I do as an employee?

  • Write down your short-term (within one year) and long-term vocational and personal goals
  • Independently, or with the assistance of your supervisor, create a career development plan
    • Use a calendar to record registration and training dates 
  • Be aware of all the internal and external training opportunities
  • Don't wait for formal evaluations - ask and be open to constructive feedback 
  • Request the opportunity to job shadow or be mentored 

What can I do as a manager or supervisor?

  • Meet with your employees to discuss their short-term and long-term career goals
  • Be aware of the training opportunities and resources that are available to them
  • Emphasize the importance of life-long learning and lead by example
  • Create or encourage participation in a mentorship program
  • Share your past experiences with your employees - what did you find challenging during your journey and how did you successfully manage it?
  • Strive to provide work that is challenging, attainable, and aligns with the strengths and/or interest of your employees

"The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership." 
- Harvey S. Firestone

Read more about growth and development

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