My Human Resources
Login Tools
My Human Resources
Enter direct banking information, view earnings statements, change your address & manage training. [ LOGIN]
Pension Account
View pension plan balances and investment mix and choose your investments. [ LOGIN]
Check and submit claims, get forms, print Manulife card. [ LOGIN]
Faculty Staff Resources
Salary ranges, pay schedules and related information. [ LOGIN]
Researcher Toolbox
Hiring/appointing research roles, including budgeting for salary and benefit costs. [ LOGIN]
Administrator Toolbox
Appointments and pay administration, offer templates. [ LOGIN]
Leader Toolbox
Help with recruiting, hiring, enhancing performance. [ LOGIN]
Western Financial
Submit expenses, PER inquiry, research grants. [ LOGIN]
Western Leave Management
Western Leave Management (WLM) allows for the accurate tracking of vacation and personal/floater days, and other short-term leaves on My Human Resources for specific employee groups within participating faculties and units.
Employee and leader self-service functionality allows:
- employees to submit online requests for vacation and other absences,
- leaders to approve or deny absence requests,
- leaders to record leaves on behalf of their employees, and
- employees and leaders to view and forecast absence balances.
Which employee groups are using Western Leave Management to track absences and short-term leaves?
- Full-time PMA employees
- Continuing and Sessional UWOSA employees
- SAGE employees
Current participating faculty/units:
- Don Wright Faculty of Music
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- Faculty of Information & Media Studies
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Science
- School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
- Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
- Facilities Management
- Financial Services
- Housing and Ancillary Services
- Research Western
- Student Experience
- University Advancement
- Western Communication
- Western Human Resources
- Western International
- Western Libraries
- Western Technology Services
Animal Care & Veterinary Services is using the WLM Administrator model where an administrator submits requests for employees.
Are other faculty/units able to join WLM Self-service?
Yes. Human Resources is working together with other faculties and units to introduce WLM Self-service. If you are interested in joining, please contact Sandy Del Vasto (
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