Safety & Well-being
Forms & Documents
Login Tools
My Human Resources
Enter direct banking information, view earnings statements, change your address & manage training. [ LOGIN]
Pension Account
View pension plan balances and investment mix and choose your investments. [ LOGIN]
Check and submit claims, get forms, print Manulife card. [ LOGIN]
Faculty Staff Resources
Salary ranges, pay schedules and related information. [ LOGIN]
Researcher Toolbox
Hiring/appointing research roles, including budgeting for salary and benefit costs. [ LOGIN]
Administrator Toolbox
Appointments and pay administration, offer templates. [ LOGIN]
Leader Toolbox
Help with recruiting, hiring, enhancing performance. [ LOGIN]
Western Financial
Submit expenses, PER inquiry, research grants. [ LOGIN]
General Exercises

Your colleagues at Employee Well-being would like to remind you to stretch! Below are some stretches that can be performed throughout your day at your workstation. Remember, this is a guide only. If you feel pain, discomfort, numbness, tingling, clumsiness, tenderness, or loss of strength and flexibility, stop exercising and contact a health professional.
You can download a PDF version here.

If you require the exercises on this page in an alternate format please use ASK HR to contact Human Resources.
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