Who Can Access Training

This page describes who can access training courses on OWL Sakai as well as who can enroll in training sessions on My Human Resources based on their role(s) at Western.

To access training courses, you must first have a record set up on My Human Resources (My HR) as:

  • Faculty
  • Staff (includes part-time, full-time and student-related work e.g. work study and summer students)
  • Associated Persons (e.g. visiting researchers, volunteers, etc.)
  • Graduate Students, including Visiting Graduate Students (Research Only)
  • Visiting Undergraduate Students (Research Only)
  • Select Undergraduate Students enrolled in specific courses or programs which requiresafety training.

Please refer to the following chart to find out when your record will be added to My Human Resources based on your role(s) at Western.

Record Setup on My Human Resources

Role at Western When is Record Added to My HR?
Faculty and Staff, including students with an employment relationship with Western

On or shortly after your start date provided that the appropriate appointment paperwork has been submitted or processed online.

All Graduate students who are registered and term-activated on Student Centre.

On the 15th of the month prior to the start of each term. Visit Important Information for Graduate Students about My Human Resources.

Undergraduate students who are enrolled and term-activated in an academic course/program requirement designated as requiring safety training e.g., Independent Study (4th year thesis courses) or clinical placements courses.

On the 15th of the month prior to the start of each term if you are enrolled in the course/program and term-activated on Student Center.

Course Coordinators should contact Holly Scanlon to request addition of a specific undergraduate course/program.

Visiting Research Only (VRO) Students who have been term-activated and registered including:

On or shortly after your start date provided that the appropriate documentation has been submitted to your supervisor (Undergraduate Students) or School of Graduate and Post-doctoral Studies (Graduate Students).

Associated Persons who have an affiliation with Western but are not employees e.g. visiting scholars/researchers, volunteers, etc.

One to two business days after you are notified that your Associated Person registration has been completed. Visit Associated Persons.
NOTE: If you require training and do not belong to one of the above groups, contact Holly Scanlon.

Training Access Enabled

One to two business days after your record has been setup on My HR, you will be able to:

Need assistance with login? Visit Find Your ID & Password.

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